We know small business.
March 28th 2023

Scottish Government launches consultation on Green Freeport LBTT relief

The Scottish Government has launched a consultation on proposed legislative reforms which would introduce relief from LBTT on qualifying non-residential transactions within designated Green Freeport sites.

On 13 January 2023 the Scottish and UK governments announced that Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport and Forth Green Freeport had been selected as Green Freeports.

In addition to the core Green Freeport objectives of promoting regeneration, decarbonisation, innovation and global trade, the overarching policy intent of the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) relief is to promote long-term investment in underdeveloped tax sites with economic potential. The Scottish Government expects that, in a number of instances, this would be one of the first tax reliefs claimed within a Green Freeport site.

Further details here.


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